How to boost your website ranking on Google?

Make Your Meta Descriptions attractive

A snippet that appears in the search results under your page title, describing exactly what's on your page and why anyone should click on it. Each of your web pages will have its own special Meta description.

From a ranking perspective, one of the most relevant and most noticeable elements to remember is these Meta descriptions. They serve as a mini advertisement for your website, in essence. The more attractive they can be, the better, in order to draw clients.

Keep the tag and URL of your title short. Then, create each description in a way that is both appealing and informative, arousing the imagination of the audience within a maximum of 150 words.


Search Engine Optimization


Publish Long Content

For longer posts, authenticity will increase, with Google recognizing deeper copying as more important than a shorter post that leaves out details. Plus, the well-researched a topic is, the more assured and important it is, the more Google looks for two things when deciding its rankings.

Equally important for long-form content are structure and layout. Instead of using your copy as one big piece of text, break it up using specific subheadings that are likely to be searched for using the keywords your target audience uses.

Add bullet lists where you can, as well as any helpful photos or videos that support the information you post.

The better quality of your content, the better it will be viewed by Google and the higher it will rank.


Use Internal Links

It's nice to have lots of interesting, well-written, and insightful pages on your website, but nobody can ever see them without the correct SEO techniques.

One thing is to ensure that each page has the remember a lot tags, is well-structured, and features specific keywords, but linking each page or post to other pages on your site will make a huge difference in how your overall website is viewed by Google.

Internal links help your audience navigate through your website and help search engines know what your pages are about and how they connect to each other. Look throughout each page for possibilities to connect to your other pages and blogs, but be careful not to overdo it.

For the highest quality content that suits a search. In addition to undermining the quality of the content you've written, stuffing links into your copy without reason will also set Google's alarm bells ringing.

Only add links to a page where they match naturally to boost the user experience, as with the addition of relevant imagery or multimedia. This, in turn, will have some juicy outlets for Google's spiders to dig their teeth into.


Make Your Website easy to load

Consumers look for simplicity, comfort and, most importantly, speed in today's day and age of technical advancements and high-speed internet.

If your website, particularly on mobile devices, is slow to load, you're not only off-putting your clients. Search engines really don't like referring users to sluggish pages. Google aims to keep users satisfied with its product because it offers the results they want, which is why websites are first and foremost ranked.

In other words, for your Google ranking, sluggish websites spell trouble, resulting in pages landing far lower in the search engine results. This means less page visits, less income from advertisements and, inevitably, fewer conversions.